Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Editing Day 4

Editing Day 4

Today Alex and I converted the footage into Quicktime and have then put it on a disc which can be seen through VLC. We have submitted this and the peer assessment today. We are very happy with the result

Below is our final film that we placed onto youtube:

Editing Day 3

Editing Day 3

Today me and Alex completely finished the filming. We put all the footage together with the sound and we are very very very pleased with the result.

Towards the end of the film we have the final line 'some people think we are half empty but we are half full'- this is something for the audience to think about, this is heard when the first shot appears again at the end so we are reminded that we should not have negative opinions of people, but be accepting, caring and non judgmental

Friday, 1 April 2016

Sound Recording

Today the sound was re recorded in the sound studio. This was because all the previous sound made the voiceover sound fizzy. This recording was done on an iPhone because it created a much better outcome

Thursday, 31 March 2016

Filming Day 8

Filming Day 8

After talking to Helen, we re filmed the ending so the three characters didn't need to come together, but instead, interlink them in the shots. Lucy's last shot was of her outside, so we brought Emma into the shot who then sees stacey. This is a much better ending and finishes it off well- more continuous.

Problem- Weather was really sunny. Tried to film in shade but we were limited to space. However, the shots of Emma were stunning- the light on her hair

Solving- we changed the location when we filmed stacey so the sun wasn't so intense

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Filming Day 7

Filming Day 7

After showing our film to Helen, she suggested we re film the ending- it didn't work with the rest of the footage, felt cold
She suggested we break the boundaries of film and have a documentary feel- have the girls talk to the camera at the end

Problem- we still felt unsure if this worked because it felt unnatural and awkward and so will be talking to Helen again to see what she can suggest

Solving- find a new ending, one which flows, we went over the voiceover many times so it sounded more natural

We also re film the start shot which is much more effective and works well with all the elements of the magazine, tablets and hand sanitizer involved

Monday, 21 March 2016

Editing Day 2 and Sound

Editing Day 2

Found a new soundtrack from Audio Network- it is called Encounters. It works really well with the footage and has a more positive feel to it- to suggest hope and acceptance. This footage has replaced 'tension'

We also placed the title in- we were supposed to have it before the montage but me and Alex felt it worked really well on the footage instead. We chose a very simple sans serif font- fits well with the simplistic montage shots. Placing the title on the montage also meant we had more time to add shots at the end.

We had previously intended to put statistics on the screen however we felt the voice over was enough- the addition of words on the screen would steer the audience away from the shots I took


Sunday, 20 March 2016

Discussion with Helen

Alex and I just spoke to Helen about our film. She really like the camera work and the mis en scene however the ending section doesn't work. She suggested we interlink the characters at the end- bumping into each other or seeing a character in the background of one of the other characters shots- this way it feels more natural and not staged. 

Problem- weather needs to be exactly the same as when we filmed Lucy- cloudy, after midday. 'Tension' feels like thriller music- lead up to a murder etc so need to find a new soundtrack- positive notes but still a sad or uneasy feeling about it

Solving- plan shooting- may need to be flexible so can shoot whenever cloudy