Told to steer away from generic ideas- avoid the typical uni student
- this is good- allows us to focus more, do more research
Further ideas:
1) focus on something that won't be done by every one else
- idea that when people view the theme of being 'The Greatest Day' people assume its all about positivity but how about the opposite of that? Is the glass half full or half empty?
So link happiness to unhappiness- darker side
Mental Health
- Serious subject but not enough attention is put into it
- Bipolar Disorder? idea of having good days but bad days too
- Depression? Have several family and friends who suffer from this- they want the 'Greatest Day' but can't see how they can reach it or don't believe it even exists
- what is the greatest day for someone with depression?
- how do they want to feel?
- what does 'good' or 'great' feel like?
What next?
- Need to look at statistics
- Figure out how we can make this short, simple yet extremely effective - make it stand out from others and portray a message
- Look at short films, poets or musicians that link to these ideas
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