Thursday, 4 February 2016

Mental Health Research

Mental Health- Research:

Looked into which mental health problems could be expressed easily through film:
- Bipolar : showing moments of anger and moments of happiness
- Anxiety : biting nails, sweating, twitching
- Anorexia or bulimia disorders : thin self but sees image of larger self, ribs and spine vs curve, stretch marks etc, toilet shots
- OCD : things are clean and organised e.g. pens, posters, shoes, clothes
- Despression : feeling down, unable to find positivity

Silver Linings Playbook:

This film is about two characters who both suffer from bipolar disorder
It explores the effects it has on their family members and members of society
For example- society appears scared and distant from him when he is released from a mental institution. Reactions appear premeditated- as if they have prejudged those with bipolar and collectively act difficult and unforgiving to them.
What is interesting is how the bipolar characters act together- they complement each other's personalities, and act as one figure with an understanding of what the other has gone through.

Possible Influence:

  • idea that those who suffer with mental illness unite- have a better understanding of each other than outsiders do
  • sufferers don't hold judgement
  • so in our short film, those who are portrayed to have an illness have common ground, they represent those who are misunderstood, those who people, at times, give up on
    • those suffering will be portrayed in a positive light with a message to society that they should not be judged, that they are equals
Camera/ Editing/ Sound/ Mis en Scene/ Narrative
  • Shown to keep self busy, see him running frequently and doing exercise - sense of escapism, fighting reality?
  • Hand held shots- shows frustration, panic and anger of disorder
  • Dark shots- lack of light suggests this disorder leaves him in a lonely place, metaphorically symbolises negativity and pessimism
  • Appears very aggressive and frantic with use of low angle shots- shows his dominance and how he can appear threatening to other people

1 comment:

  1. Some good analysis and exploration of your influences - if you are analysing a piece of film spend time over each aspect and work through one by one in more depth e.g Stay with framing and look at particular sections of the story - how do they use the framing to convey different story elements/emotions etc? Similarly then work through lighting, sound, editing etc one by one - this will add depth to your work
