Sunday, 7 February 2016

Group Discussion

Group Discussion

The group and I chose three disorders/ struggles that we wanted to involve in our film.

1) Transgender

  • When looking at transgender people, we are by no means saying this is a mental health issue, we are concentrating on the possible health issues from this brought on by society and stereotypes (depression, anxiety)
  • Sadly today, a large amount of society doesn't count LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex and Asexual) as equals to those who are heterosexual and it's this lack of social acceptance that enhances the likeliness of mental health problems for people in those groups.

2) Eating disorders- anorexia or bulimia

  • People are quick to judge on such disorders, feelings that its just for attention, but such disorders are life threatening and affect people both physically and mentally.
  • Its a common disorder within schools and university that people tend to turn their backs on, assuming they will just 'get over it' or its 'just a phase'. Eating disorders are an illness provoked by the media with their ideas of the 'perfect body'- deciding whether some celebrity is too thin or too fat

3) OCD - obsessive compulsive disorder

  • Again, another disorder people ignore. You can obsessive over particular things, whether that be organisation of objects, cleanliness, counting etc. 

Need to explore each of these three struggles/ issues, do research from how represented in the media, how society views them.

1 comment:

  1. Have you done this research ? If it is later in the blog I will find it!
