Friday, 5 February 2016

The Tab Birmingham

The Tab- It's time to end the stigma surrounding anti-depressants

  • I came across this article on Facebook written by a student at University of Birmingham. This shows more proof of the negativity surrounding mental health and anti-depressants
  • People think once you are on anti-depressants, you won't be able to get off them- idea that you become "dependant"
  • But to student Megan, they are clearly something that have improved her life
  • She said she would skip school and smoke too many cigarettes
  • Whether they are something that you can become dependant on or not- they improve peoples state of mind and make their lives more manageable
  • Maybe not strictly relevant but interested to see students perception on anti- depressants- comments show a wide range of reactions both positive and negative
  • Mental health still divides people

1 comment:

  1. Good contextual research - a case study is useful to provide some individual experience upon which you can draw in your scriptwriting and for those who are performing.
