Sunday, 7 February 2016

Miley Cyrus' #instapride campaign

Miley Cyrus' #instapride campaign


Focuses on embracing individuals, no matter what gender or lack of gender they apply to.

Focuses on pressure of gender stereotypes e.g:
If I am a woman does that make me a 'damsel'?
If I am a man does that make me macho?
Do I have to identify with one particular gender?
Do I have to be attracted to someone?
Am I allowed to experiment without being judged?

The main point here is why do we feel that we have to bow down to social norms, we should embrace creativity and individualism

- An idea that could be explored through our short film BUT how can we link to idea of glass being half full/ half empty?

Shots could include:
- Hormone tablets/ shots
- Binding of breasts
- Padding trousers
- Short hair
- Long hair

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