Saturday, 19 March 2016

Editing Day 1 and Sound

Editing Day 1

Today Alex and I put the footage together and started to edit it all together. So far it is going really well, all the shots are in focus, and the narrative fits better than we thought.

  • We found a sound track called Palpitations and Tension- palpitation has a really strong beat which means we can edit our footage together and cut every time we hear the beat

  • Tension is for overall background sound, although we feel it might be too scary for the film? We will continue to find another sound track

  • Also we are really unhappy with our opening shot- we were supposed to have a triple split screen of all of the glasses however it does not look right- I will re film on our next shoot day, wont take long- will create a new shot with tablets, magazine and hand sanitizer in it so produces an overall togetherness of each illness.

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