Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Filming Day 6

Filming Day 6

Sound recording! We did this in the seminar room because it was really quiet. We recorded a voice over for the film- using the script below

Alex and I wrote this script for the new ending- this was based from people who suffer with the illnesses and how they said they feel

The first voice over is about how it feels to suffer with any of the mental health issues. The second part is a call for acceptance to the audience

Problem- it was difficult for the voiceover to sound natural, the sound was also fuzzy

Solving- we repeatedly went over the voiceover so the characters would feel comfortable with it, intention of re recording sound- sound studio?

Voice over throughout film
-       OCD
o   . Getting ready for each day involves so much hand washing, mental rituals, and doing things in the same order... Sometimes, I feel like staying in bed and avoiding the day.
o   It’s sunny outside and I want to go out, but I know I probably won't.
o   Obsessions are unwelcome thoughts, images, urges or doubts that repeatedly appear in your mind; for example, thinking that you have been contaminated by dirt and germs
-       Anxiety
o   "The feeling you get when you tap your pocket to get your wallet, and it is not there, but all the time"
o   Sometime I wish I could just blank out everything, see no one and lock my self away with my own thoughts
o   The stress of having to meet new people or make simple conversation puts me in this state of panic which I can’t escape from
-       Eating Disorder
o   Dizzy spells from time to time, but you learn to anticipate and manage them
o   Ana controls every thought, every move and every decision
o   A day without eating is a day of absolute success and all I can think about is achieving my goal
o   100 jumping jacks, 70 crunches, 50 sit ups, 40 squats, 30 lunges, 20 mountain climbers, 10 push ups over over,

END DISCUSSION talking to camera when in seminar room
Anxiety –
People who suffer with anxiety are often ostracized as others cannot relate to their situation due to their lack of knowledge about the subject, leading to the patient themselves feeling isolated and helpless. It’s such a common disorder and when people know you have it many will pre judge you, even though so many friends and family close to us suffer from it.
 Eating Disorder –
 People with mental health conditions are seen as more unsociable, when it’s not always the case, it isn’t that simple. We act ‘unsociable’ because of society’s constant need to point out when people are different society are so obsessed with having perfect people with perfect social lives and social ability, that if someone doesn’t appear to fit into that one popular group we disregard them. 

People are quick to judge and this leads people feeling singled out, avoided and seen as outcasts. Unsure of how to act and round constantly feeling you might offend them. Thinking we live such miserable lonely lives, realistically we can be happy people we just need your time and understanding to see how we are as a person. Don’t put every individual with a disorder into a different category. Some people assume we are half empty, we are half full.

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