Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Filming Day 1

Filming Day 1
  • filming stacey
  • suffers with OCD
  • needed to set up Lucy's room
  • neutral bed covers
  • set up props
  • simplify setting so appeared organised

Problems- we hadn't fully set up the room properly so we wasted time organising it. Shots on storyboard hadn't worked out properly as of size of room, and what angles we could film with. We also had a faulty tripod which wouldn't pan and was wobbly

Solving- re created shots so would work better with the amount of room we had. Used my tripod- although not of a high standard it did the job

1 comment:

  1. Ensure you add critical reflections throughout the pre, production and post production process to show your learning - where problems arise research solutions from recognised sources (e.g. online and texts from library)
